CK Chesterton. (transform city)
- modern genre of modern life
- transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary
Northrop Frye (heroic romance)
- heroes is a normal person like us
- normal person forced to behave like an extraordinary person because of their circumstances.
John Cawelti (erotic)
- modern city = enchantment and mystery
- introducing to the unfamiliar
- location
W.H. Matthews (mazes and laberence)
- origins - Greek mythology
- heroes in thrillers often find themselves in a predicament
- filled with mazes full of twists and dead ends in order to reach the villain
Pascal Bonitzer (partial vision)
- audience only see so much. Elements are hidden
-blind spots are introduced to build suspense and leave unanswered questions for the audience
Lars Ole Saurberg (concealment and protraction)
- suspense works in two ways to pull the audience in different directions
- concealment deliberately hiding something from the audience
Noel Carroll (question and answer model)
- audience are presented with questions they are waiting for the answers
- will the hero die
- who is the killer
1. Probability factor - a sure thing is less exciting that the battle against the odds-> we don't know how it ends, it doesn't have to have a happy ending.
2. Moral factor - morally right outcome increases my involvement. -> is it right - should people do certain things because it could be wrong.
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